National Volunteers Week- “from charity to justice”

Dear Ameri-Family,

Today begins National Volunteer Week where we shine a light on the enduring contributions of volunteers and celebrate the generosity of spirit that each of them embodies. Volunteerism and service is a quintessential American value, that unites individuals from diverse backgrounds to make an impact on challenges big and small. From schools and shelters, hospitals and hotlines, to civic, nonprofit, and faith-based organizations across the country, Americans from all walks of life volunteer together for a better future.

For decades, AmeriCorps has worked to make service to others an indispensable part of the American experience. Each of you has played an important role in our collective impact whether it was making volunteer opportunities more equitable and readily accessible or raising your hand to serve in your communities in times of tragedy and triumph.

Service can take us on a path from charity to justice. Whether people are donating to a food bank or advocating to change policies that address food insecurity, their service matters. We owe a debt of gratitude to every volunteer who continues to shape both our neighborhoods and our nation.

As Americans, we belong to one another. Our destinies are connected and each of us has something to give. That’s what makes a more just and fairer world attainable. This week, I hope that all who can, will join me and our fellow neighbors in giving back to your local community, celebrating those who volunteer, and making a commitment to a lifetime of service. Please use the resources below to support your efforts.

Together, we are AmeriCorps.

Michael D. Smith
AmeriCorps CEO


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